Monday, December 20, 2010

Good or Bad? You Be the Judge!

Thus far my Christmas break has consisted of Christmas celebrations, baking, movies, lots of sleep, reading, and a whole lot more of nothing that requires much responsibility. And I must say, I have mixed feelings about it. Don't get me wrong, being able to sleep without the worry of missing class, or even worse, chapel, has been sheer enjoyment. But I am starting to feel very unproductive and purposeless in the midst of all of this laziness... and its only day 5! So, I am thinking that I am going to clean the house today; that way, I will satisfy my desire to do something productive, and my dad will be happy to come home to a clean house!

After all of the cleaning is done, I am going to read. I fear I am turning into a true English major... The question now is: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Leave your answer in the comment section.

Happy Monday!


  1. reading is never a bad thing.

    i repeat,

    reading is never a bad thing.

    chant that every night before you go to bed.

    reading is never a bad thing.

  2. HAHAHAHA!!!!! :D I dont know why, but that made me laugh real hard! : )
