Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goober Love

I have a nephew and he is 3 and a half. His name is Mason, but is known more affectionately as "Goober." Today, we spent the day together. First, we went to Target and he got to pick out a toy- he chose a slinky- and then he got a candy bar. After that, we headed over to Washington Park and played make believe and swung on the swings, and ran around. It was fun... When we decided it was time for lunch, we headed to Vons so I could get him a lunchable (I refused to go to a fast food place. Only the BEST for my Goob!) He started to get fussy then and then he reached the point of no return. From then on, he was a little bit of a monster. He started crying and hitting and getting angry. So, instead of having a picnic, I just drove him back home. I feel bad that he was so upset, but when a kid doesn't take a nap, they turn into a monster. Then, he fell asleep on the way home... hahah Today was eventful and a little draining. Happy to be home.

Movie of the day: (500) Days of Summer
Album of the day: (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack

My Goob when he was happy : )

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